Manchester and Trafford House Project Graduation

Manchester and Trafford House Project Graduation

Posted 18th July 2023

This is the start of the beginning for some of our young people on the House Project. The young people of Manchester and Trafford came together today to celebrate their successes throughout the programme. These young people have now completed the first combined cohort and have been on an incredible journey, where they have learnt about themselves, built up their confidence and self-esteem as well as becoming more interdependent, self-resilient and creating great relationships with their peers and facilitators.
We have established some great partnerships with the local housing providers who have offered us some fantastic opportunities of a variety of different properties and have worked so well in understanding the different needs of our young people and been patient whilst we supported them to get their documents and applications ready to sign their new tenancies. 
Today at the graduation we were able to share stories and experiences of some of the young people's journey. One quote which has stuck with me from the residential was where a young person said, "I love it out here, it's not often I can walk down the street and don't feel threatened or think I have to look over my back", some of these experiences will have a massive impact on our young people and leave them with positive memories and moments which will impact their lives forever!  
Whilst on the programme we have adapted our approach to be able to support our young people's needs and individuality, for example, for one of our young people when she moved into her own property didn't want a TV in her lounge which we assumed every young person would want, but she was more than happy to use her laptop and preferred to play her guitar and listen to her music in her lounge. 
We have created an amazing blueprint for the Manchester and Trafford House Project which we want to continue to work on and learn from our experiences and be adaptable and responsive to the changes to systems and policies and more importantly supporting those young people in making a new flat into a HOME.  
The skills, friendships and memories these young people have made will forever impact their lives and help them to prepare them for the world out there, to become good citizens and maintaining positive tenancies.  
Overall, the graduation allows us to celebrate and shout loudly about some of these young people's journeys. At the end of a graduation, I received a text from one of the young people which said, "Thank you so much for today I really appreciate it, I honestly never thought I would ever shake hands and take a picture with the Mares of Trafford with my rep lol...that's big that". For some it might be the only recognition they get for a long time before they may achieve other things, and for others it may be adding to the great portfolios they already have and for many it is an unforgettable experience.


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